Announcements to the brethren

Circular #004/2024  - Teachings About Halloween - Sep 19th, 2024

CCUS Circular 004-2024 - Teachings about Halloween.pdf

Document - CCUS Elders in charge of the Music - National and Regional - Jun 25th, 2024

MUS-01-Elders in Charge of the Music.pdf
MUS-01-Anciaes responsaveis pela musica.pdf
MUS-01-Ancianos responsables por la musica.pdf

Document - 41st General Assembly - New Brothers to the Ministry - May 24th, 2024

41st General Assembly - New Brothers to the Ministry - May 24th, 2024.pdf

Circular - Nº191/2024(BR) - Sacraments and Commandments - May 31st, 2024

11A - Circular nº 191.2024 - Sacramentos e Ensinamentos - 31mar24_enAPPROVED.pdf
11B - Circular nº 191.2024 - Sacramentos e Ensinamentos - 31mar24.pdf
11C - Circular nº 191.2024 - Sacramentos y Enseñamientos - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº190/2024(BR) - Counsels for Parents - May 31st, 2024

10A - Circular nº 190.2024 - Conselhos para a boa convivencia entre Pais e Filhos - 31mar24_APPROVED.pdf
10B - Circular nº 190.2024 - Conselhos para a boa convivencia entre Pais e Filhos - 31mar24.pdf
10C - Circular nº 190.2024 - Consejos para la buena convivencia entre Padres e Hijos - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr.pdf

Circular - Nº189/2024(BR) - Biblical Requirements and Qualifications for the Ministry - May 31st, 2024

09A - Circular nº 189.2024 - Requisítos Bíblicos para a escolha Ministerial - 31mar24_enAPPROVED.pdf
09B - Circular nº 189.2024 - Requisítos Bíblicos para a escolha Ministerial - 31mar24.pdf
09C - Circular nº 189.2024 - Requisítos Bíblicos para la elleción Ministerial - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº188/2024(BR) - The Ministry of The Word - May 31st, 2024

08A - Circular nº 188.2024 - O Ministério da Palavra - 31mar24_enAPPROVED.pdf
08B - Circular nº 188.2024 - O Ministério da Palavra - 31mar24.pdf
08C - Circular nº 188.2024 - El Ministerio de la Palabra - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº187/2024(BR) - Spiritual Awakening of The Brethren and Ministry - May 31st, 2024

07A - Circular nº 187.2024 - Avivamento Espiritual do Ministério e da Irmandade - 31mar24_enAPPROVED.pdf
07B - Circular nº 187.2024 - Avivamento Espiritual do Ministério e da Irmandade - 31mar24.pdf
07C - Circular nº 187.2024 - Avivamiento Espiritual del Ministério y de la Hermandad - 31mar24 - Rev. 13ab.pdf

Circular - Nº186/2024(BR) - Tithing and The New Testament - May 31st, 2024

06A - Circular nº 186.2024 - O dízimo à luz do Novo Testamento - 1.Integra - 31mar24_enAPPROVED.pdf
06B - Circular nº 186.2024 - O dízimo à luz do Novo Testamento - 1.Integra - 31mar24.pdf
06C - Circular nº 186.2024 - El diezmo a la luz del nuevo testamento- 1.Integra - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº185/2024(BR) - The Importance of Fasting as an Exercise of Christian Faith  - May 31st, 2024

05A - Circular nº 185.2024 - A importância do Jejum - Exercício da Fé - 31mar24_enAPPROVED (1).pdf
05B - Circular nº 185.2024 - A importância do Jejum - Exercício da Fé - 31mar24.pdf
05C - Circular nº 185.2024 - La importância del ayuno como Ejercício de la Fe - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº184/2024(BR) - The Importance of Prayer Unto God  - May 31st, 2024

04A - Circular nº 184.2024 - A importância da Oração a Deus - 31mar24_enAPPROVED.pdf
04B - Circular nº 184.2024 - A importância da Oração a Deus - 31mar24.pdf
04C - Circular nº 184.2024 - La importancia de la Oracion a Dios - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº183/2024(BR) - Fruit of The Spirit and Good Works  - May 31st, 2024

03A - Circular nº 183.2024 - Fruto do Espírito e Boas Obras - 31mar24_enAPPROVED.pdf
03B - Circular nº 183.2024 - Fruto do Espírito e Boas Obras - 31mar24.pdf
03C - Circular nº 183.2024 - Fruto del Espírito y Buenas Obras - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº182/2024(BR) - Salvation is Universal - May 31st, 2024

02A - Circular nº 182.2024 - A salvação é Universal - 31mar24 EN - APPROVED.pdf
02B - Circular nº 182.2024 - A salvação é Universal - 31mar24.pdf
02C - Circular nº 182.2024 - La salvacion es Universal - 31mar24 - Rev. 13abr24.pdf

Circular - Nº181/2024(BR) - God's Election - May 31st, 2024

01A - Circular nº 181.2024 - Eleição de Deus - 31mar24EN_APPROVED.pdf
01B - Circular nº 181.2024 - Eleição de Deus - 31mar24.pdf
01C - Circular nº 181.2024 - La Elección de Dios - 31mar24 - Rev. 23mai24.pdf

Notice - Nº001/2024 - FEINCC & Inter-Religious Forum - Posted on May 2, 2024 

CCUS Notice 001-2024 English.pdf
CCUS Notice 001-2024 Portugues.pdf

Carta - Reunião Anciães - Lynn-MA - Visita do Conselho dos Anciãos no Brasil aos Estados Unidos - Posted on March 17, 2024 

Letter Meeting March 16 2024.pdf

Circular Nº003/2024 - Elders - Invitation Ministerial Meeting - Posted on March 11, 2024 

Official - Circular 003-2024 Elder Invitation - Ministerial Meeting March 16 2024 - Issued March 10 2024.pdf

Circular Nº002/2024 - Temporary Suspension of Scheduled Events - Posted on February 28, 2024 

CCUS - Elders and Deacons - Official Circular nº002-2024 Ministry - Suspension Events Agenda - Issued 28 Feb 2024 ENGLISH.pdf
CCUS - Anciães e Diáconos - Oficial Circular nº002-2024 Ministério - Suspensao Eventos - Emitido 28 Fev 2024 PORTUGUES.pdf

Circular Nº001/2024 - Publishing The Extraordinary General Assembly Call Notice - Posted on February 24, 2024 

CCUS - Anciães e Diáconos - Oficial - Circular nº001-2024 Ministério - USA Publicidade do Edital de Convocação AGE - Issued Feb 24 2024.pdf

Call Notice - Extraordinary General Assembly - Posted on Feb 22, 2024 

CCUS - Elders and Deacons - Official Call Notice - Extraordinary General Assembly on March 17 2024 - Issued Feb 22 2024 - Public Information.pdf

Letter to the Church - GA 2021 - Thanksgiving is a Non-Religious, Day of Thankfulness Toward Almighty God

The first Thanksgiving Day is traditionally considered to have taken place in November of 1621, after the first Christian settlers to North America survived the winter, and God blessed them with a bountiful harvest in preparation of their second winter. These simple Christian people thanked God for His mercy and help unto them, and gave this example to all future generations of setting aside time to thank the Almighty God for His benevolence.

It was not a holiday started or created for religious purposes, nor does it have any connection to idolatry, pagan worship, or worship of saints, etc. A roast turkey with many side dishes is a traditional meal in the US. This meal has nothing to do with idolatry, or pagan worship. It is no different than any other national or cultural meal, like churrasco, rice and beans, feijoada, or lasagna when having a special meal together with friends and family.

In October of 1789 the first President of the United States issued a proclamation for the first National Day of Thanksgiving*, and in 1863, the sixteenth President of the United States issued a proclamation for a once yearly day of Thanksgiving to God. It was to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of the month of November, each year.

This National Day of Thanksgiving does nothing to hinder the Work of God, rather if used as intended supports the guidance given to Believers in the Holy Scriptures.

In Philippians 4:6-7 the brethren are directed to, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

In 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 the brethren are likewise told to, “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

In summary, Thanksgiving Day in the US is a National Holiday set aside by the government, for all citizens to consider the goodness of God, and to render thanks unto Him for all His mercies. No church, religion or denomination was involved in setting up this National Day of Thanksgiving. The brethren who desire to come together with friends and family, to remember the goodness of God, and offer him Praises, Prayers of Supplication and Thanksgiving for all that He does, are free to do so on this day and furthermore everyday as we are directed by God’s Holy Word.

Your brothers in Christ Jesus,

The Council of Elders.